Ready to Grow Your PHP and Go Web Development Skills?

Hi 👋🏻. I'm Matt. You might know me better as settermjd on Twitter. For over 10 years, I've been teaching developers how to build web-based applications with PHP, through tutorials, my books and courses, and content I've written for other sites. More recently, I've been showing how to do so with Go too!

As modern web-based applications require a broad range of knowledge and skills, it can be hard to know what to learn and in what order. To make matters worse, no matter if you're a freelancer or a full-time employee, there's always another ticket to complete or a release to push out.

Given that, finding time to improve your skills can be hard to come by. So, you need a guide you can rely on. I'd love to be that for you.

Why? Besides loving writing and teaching web-based development, each tutorial is:

  • Written in plain English by me; not AI!
  • Tested for accuracy
  • Shows the minimum required version of PHP or Go, and the library and package versions required
  • Contains links to further information
  • Plus so much more!

If this sounds like what you're after, head to the blog to get started. If you're short on time, start with the latest tutorials below.

Do you need to get your head around Docker Compose quickly?

What about needing to dockerize existing applications to make them easier to deploy, reducing the time required for develwpers to get started on projects, or learning how to debug an existing Docker Compose-based app? Then this free book is for you!

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Learning Java as a PHP Developer
Wed, Jul 10, 2024

Learning Java as a PHP Developer

Recently, I’ve started to learn Java, after over 20 years since I first learned it. As a, primarly, PHP developer it’s been an interesting experience. PHP is still easier for web projects. Here are some reflections on why.

Dockerfile build arguments go out of scope
Fri, Jun 14, 2024

Dockerfile build arguments go out of scope

When you’re writing Dockerfiles using build arguments (which you should) it’s important to keep their scope in mind. Otherwise, you’ll get very frustrated (more than likely).

Good UI is Worth the Investment
Fri, Apr 26, 2024

Good UI is Worth the Investment

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Live Reload Go Projects with wgo
Fri, Apr 19, 2024

Live Reload Go Projects with wgo

Building web apps in Go is extremely rewarding. However, as Go’s a compiled language, to see changes, you need to restart the app. Needless to say that’s quite tedious! With live reloading, it doesn’t need to be.