Public Speaking

In addition to developing software, I speak about software development at conferences. My particular focus is on software craftsmanship, or the practice of creating software which is reliable, maintainable, and flexible. What’s that mean in more specific terms? I talk about test, behaviour, and domain driven development, and continuous delivery, integration, and deployment.

If you could sum up my motivation for doing so, it’s to help rid the world of the cowboy developer. Software is an essential component of modern life. So, in my view, there’s no space for hack jobs, code that “works on my machine”, or “it’s only needed for a month”.

Then there’s the flip-side, making software development as simple, effective, and efficient as possible. Software’s hard enough as it is, without all of the setup, plumbing, and related tasks required. So that’s why I share my passion for continuous delivery pipelines.

Speaking style

Talks should be both engaging as well as educational, yet without being too serious in nature. In a nutshell, that’s how I aim to deliver every presentation I give. This means that I engage a relaxed style, with the intent that the audience relaxes, able to take in as much as possible.

Previous talks

ZendCon 2016

Building Powerful and Scalable Micro Applications with Zend Expressive

Zend Expressive is the new shiny framework for building micro applications in PHP. Whether you’re building a single page app, an API, or a full-stack application - one backed by container-provided services - Zend Expressive has you covered. In this talk, we’ll show you how to build a basic single-page application, then refactor it several times until it uses templating, efficient routing, and a database, with a container providing all the services.

NomadPHP (October 15, 2015)

What Makes PhpStorm Great for PHP Development

Summary: PhpStorm 9 has a veritable cornucopia of features devoted to enhancing developer productivity and saving you time and effort; from hassle-free debugging to the numerous inspections and intentions. This talk will rapidly run through of a range of the features you’re likely to use on a daily basis. Find out more information at NomadPHP.

PHP World (November 19 & 20, 2015)

I had the pleasure of giving two talks at PHP World in November, 2015.

Want a Stellar Project? You Need to Document and Promote It

Do you have an awesome WordPress plugin, Drupal module, Zend Framework module, or PHP library that you want people to use, to be truly successful, perhaps one that people even rave about? Often, most of the effort expended on a project goes to development, with documentation and promotion considered afterthoughts. But these two steps are essential to a project’s success. In this session, I’ll show you key ways to document and promote your project, so it’s easier to find out about, start using, maintain, and grow its reputation, using examples of real-world successes.

Powerful & Flexible SQL Generation — without the Hassle

PHP is almost synonymous with databases, and it has been since the early versions. Yet creating SQL queries can still be a challenging task. What’s the right tool to use? ORMs often feel like overkill, and creating queries by hand can be unmaintainable. In this session, I’ll show you how to use the ZendDb library to generate SQL queries — from simple selects to more complex unions, filtered deletions, and updates. You’ll learn how to use the library to create flexible, secure, maintainable, and reusable queries quickly and efficiently, saving you time and effort in the long term.

Find out more at PHP World.

Powerful & Flexible SQL Generation — without the Hassle

Location: Frankfurt PHP Usergroup

I had the pleasure of giving a trial run of my SQL generation talk at the Frankfurt PHP Usergroup on the 17th September, 2015, which was very well received. This was my first foray in to public (and conference) speaking.