![Be a Develope's Friend - and Grow Your Business](/images/posts/php-elephant-logo1.jpg)
Be a Develope's Friend - and Grow Your Business
You may have the best platform in the world, providing the world’s greatest security or performance, to a level unmatched by anyone else. But will developers use it?
You may have the best platform in the world, providing the world’s greatest security or performance, to a level unmatched by anyone else. But will developers use it?
If you want the number one screencasting resource, use Wistia. Here’s a set of reasons why.
I’ve been talking, increasingly, recently about screencasting and learning the ins and outs of making them. From the software to use, how to do storyboarding, how to do post-production, it’s been a fun and exciting time getting to know so many new things.
**Do you test your application in the right way? Or do you attempt to do it all at once, in many locations? When you’re stuck, do you ask for help?
For the longest time, I’ve been using closures in my Zend Framework 2 Modules Module
class. I know they’re not always the best approach, but they’re not necessarily wrong either.
But after reviewing Gary Hockin’s recent talk at PHP Conference UK, I was reminded that outside of APC and OPCache, closures aren’t cacheable.
Recently, I was invited by Thomas Snow at Learnable, to start making video training content, i.e., screencasts.
To say the least I was very excited and jumped at the chance to do so. Catch is, I’ve only ever made a few videos before, and I never thought they were too good.
I decided to keep a blog of my experience on the way to becoming a professional podcaster and screencaster. So you can call this Podcasting 101. Like anything in life, you have to start somewhere. So why not right at the beginning?
Over the weekend, I was fortunate enough to be at this year’s PHP UK Conference, in London. One of the highlights for me, as a Zend Framework developer and evangelist, was Gary Hockin’s talk on maximising Zend Framework 2 performance.
Whether you’re new to Zend Framework 2, or an old hand (can someone really say they’re an old hand after such a short period of time?) the talk covered a range of tools, tips, and techniques for increasing application performance.
After much, much, work, Master Zend Framework is live and it’s better in every way than the original.
Want to learn how to have initialized objects with minimal code and nearly no hands-on configuration in Zend Framework 2? Come learn about setter injection.
Here’s 3 simple ideas for improving Zend Framework 2 application performance without learning more code. Think Database