Screencasting Articles and Tutorials

How To Prepare an Online Training Environment
April 28, 2015

How To Prepare an Online Training Environment

Thinking of becoming a PluralSight Author? Considering creating online training videos and screencasts to share your experience with others? Make it easy on yourself by knowing how to setup a consistent environment.

The Number One Screencasting Resource
April 20, 2014

The Number One Screencasting Resource

Wistia - The Best Screencasting Resource

If you want the number one screencasting resource, use Wistia. Here’s a set of reasons why.

I’ve been talking, increasingly, recently about screencasting and learning the ins and outs of making them. From the software to use, how to do storyboarding, how to do post-production, it’s been a fun and exciting time getting to know so many new things.