To Learn Another Language Or Not

Recently, I began learning Java again. As I blogged about, Java was one of the first languages that I learned, professionally. After following an unexpected move into PHP in my first professional role, I always meant to come back to using Java full-time.

It never happened. 😔

Perhaps it’s because I’m eternally curious. Perhaps because I find it hard to let some things go. Perhaps because I’ve bought into the idea that “enterprise” developers, “serious” developers use Java. I’m not sure. Who’s to say.

Regardless, I can’t quite shake the desire to learn Java. But is it a good choice?

The reason for questioning the decision is heavily motivated by a comment from Michael Kimsal when I shared the post on LinkedIn. He wrote:

We all have so many hours in the day, and being good at something is almost necessarily a decision to not be good at something else. Choose wisely ;)

I agree with him. There are only so many hours in the day. Especially when I’m married with children and all that goes along with that. So, I should have a clear and concise focus. But how much is sufficient?

Some might go so far as to argue that I should pick only one software language and stick with it, devoting all of my energies there. Others might say specialise in a maximum of two. And then there are those who might not even see the point in having a limit; learn what you need to, as and when you need to.

What I’m saying is that I agree with the point about not spreading myself too thin, about having focus so that I can do really well at something.

The question is: how much focus should that be?

Almost all of my software development is focused around web development, building web apps and APIs. The language that I use to do that is, in many respects, just an implementation detail. So, in that way, I already do have a clear focus: web development.

But, as Michael said, there is only so much time in the day. And, I don’t want to fall prey, much further, to the Sunk Cost Fallacy. So, while I would love to devote loads of time to learning Java, it’s not going to happen. Well, I’ll squeeze time in here and there, but only when time permits.

What say you?

How many languages do you use on a regular basis? How did you settle on that list. How do you make sure you stick with them and not add ever yet more?


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