Learning Golang. Day 2
Today was a slightly slower day for learning Go than was yesterday. However, I learned about flow control statements, and defer, panic, and recover.
For the longest time, I’ve been meaning to learn another software development language in-depth, in addition to my primary development language, PHP. I’ve decided that the language is Go.
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There’s a lot to learn. So, to not get overwhelmed and to make it as simple as possible, every weekday, I’m setting aside 30 minutes to study. Then, after the half hour is up, I’ll be sharing something about what I learned here on the blog, as well as on https://www.linkedin.com/company/webdevwithmatt[LinkedIn] and https://twitter.com/webdevwithmatt[Twitter].
== What Did I Learn Today?
Today, I started https://go.dev/tour/list[the Go Tour] to reacquaint myself with the core of the language. I say “reacquaint” as I’ve started to learn Go a few times over the last several years, but never stuck with it.
The tour is a very clear and well-structured way of understanding Go’s foundations. It helps you learn in small, bite-size chunks, which is excellent when you’re time-boxing as I am.
In addition to starting the Tour, I made https://github.com/settermjd/go-weather-station[a small refactor] to https://github.com/settermjd/go-weather-station[my test-bed Go application] to avoid it initialising a database connection on every request to the default route. It now initialises the database connection once, on application startup.
After day one, while I appreciate that there is still so much to learn, and that I have a long road in front of me – and that some of the syntax is a little new and confusing to me – I think it’s going to be a very fun and educational journey.
See you link:/learning-golang/day-2/[next time!]
Today was a slightly slower day for learning Go than was yesterday. However, I learned about flow control statements, and defer, panic, and recover.
Today, on day 14, I created a custom method to remove code duplication creeping into the weather station codebase. Come read the fun story behind getting that done.
Here we are on day 13. Today, I continued learning Golang by working on the Golang version of my PHP/Python weather station, adding a function to render static pages. Let me share my learnings with you.
Here we are on day 12. I didn’t solve anything. I’m feeling that these exercises are becoming arbitrary and pointless.
Please consider buying me a coffee. It really helps me to keep producing new tutorials.
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