Modules Articles and Tutorials

April 27, 2015

Render Tables the Easy Way in Zend Framework 2

HTML Tables, once used heavily for almost everything, have largely been relegated in the modern CSS/HTML5 world. Now they are only used for what they were originally designed for — rendering tabular data. So they’re still essential! But there’s a lot to them, if you want to use them properly. So there needs to be a way of rendering them easily and quickly. Today’s tutorial introduces a module which helps you do just that.

April 2, 2013

Zend Framework 2 Modules - The Application's Heart

Zend Framework 2 Modules - The Application's Heart

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

It’s a really exciting time at the moment with Zend Framework 2 gaining so much traction, after being stable for some time now.

Though I and countless others really enjoyed the 1.x series, it did leave some things to be desired - to be fair.

But the more I explore of the 2.x series, the more I honestly can say that I’m very impressed with it. It may not be as fast as the previous series, but with respect to development, there’s so much going for it it’s worth shouting about.

So it really is rewarding and exciting to begin covering all that it has to offer us. In part one of this series, I looked at a central concept of the revised framework - Dependency Injection.