MongoDB Articles and Tutorials

April 2, 2012

Beginning cloud development with cloudControl – Part 3 – MongoDB

Here we are at part three of the beginning cloud development with cloudControl series and in this part, we’re adding mongoDB support. In part one of the series, we laid the foundation for the application and got up to speed with what cloudControl is, why it works and how to get started using it.

Then in part two, we started to flesh out the application that we started building in part one and added MySQL support to it. We showed how to work with cloudControl to manage the key requirements, such as enabling MySQL support, connecting to the MySQL database and keeping the database up to date from a maintenance perspective (creating the database schema and loading data in to the database).

In this, the third part of the series, we’re replacing MySQL that we introduced in part two with mongoDB support.

April 9, 2011

Zend Framework and mongoDB – Getting Started Quickly!

This is a mini-post showing you how to get up and running with mongoDB and Zend Framework using a series of third-party libraries, including Shanty-Mongo library. To be honest, it’s rather trivial, but sometimes it can be frustrating trying to find a simple, concise, reference on how to do it, specific to just your needs.

April 7, 2010

Writing a Simple Blog With Zend Framework and MongoDB

I’ve been using mongoDB and Zend Framework to make a simple, replicatable filesystem. As it went well, I thought that I could quickly apply what I’d done to create an ultra-simple blog system. Read on to find out all about it.