How to Configure Pagination in Sculpin
If you use Sculpin, the excellent PHP-based static site generator, it may not be obvious as to how to configure pagination. In this article, I’ll step through how.
If you use Sculpin, the excellent PHP-based static site generator, it may not be obvious as to how to configure pagination. In this article, I’ll step through how.
This month marks the end of an era for me. It’s my last article for PHP Architect magazine. Why’s that significant, you may well be asking?
A little while ago, I took to Twitter in a sense of jubilant excitement announcing that VIM was THE distraction-free editor. As it’s been quite some time since, I honestly don’t remember exactly what it was that motivated me to do so.
If you’re having trouble writing well perhaps, it’s not your inability to express yourself, or your command of English that’s the problem. Perhaps it’s your approach to writing that’s at fault.
I don’t remember where I first heard these words, but they’ve been ringing in my ears for the last few weeks — the last few months even. They’re words which I’ve been pondering the significance of to my life, to the work I do on a daily basis.
Recently, I started a month trial of Grammarly, as I wanted to improve, significantly, my level of English proficiency, as well as the clarity of my writing. Here’s why Grammarly is a writer’s best friend.