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Here, you'll find articles and tutorials to help you and your team grow your software testing, deployment, and documentation skills, posted on a regular basis.

How To Protect Against Brute Force Logins With Fail2Ban
Wed, Dec 6, 2017

How To Protect Against Brute Force Logins With Fail2Ban

One of the most common attack vectors against servers is bruteforce login attempts. This is where attackers attempt to access your server, by trying endless combinations of usernames and passwords. So how do you defend yourself against this kind of attack?

Mon, Nov 20, 2017

What Does It Take To Start Using Zend Expressive?

Ever thought that it’s hard to get started with Zend Expressive? Ever think you need to know Vagrant, Ansible, Docker, Puppet, Linux, and more? Nope, you don’t! In this post, I’m going to show you that, while these tools can help, if you’re just getting started with the framework (such as learning about it), you don’t need them.

Mon, Oct 16, 2017

Easy Git Interaction with OhMyZsh and Git Extras

Git is known to be incredibly terse, though it has improved in recent years. What’s more, there’s a plethora of commands that you need to remember. So, why not learn about OhMyZsh and Git Extras and make your life with Git easier!

Becoming a Security-Focused Software Engineer
Mon, Oct 9, 2017

Becoming a Security-Focused Software Engineer

There comes a time in your life when you have to look yourself in the eye and decide that you’re going to stand for something in your career, that you’re going to make it mean something. Today, I’ve made that choice!

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