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Here, you'll find articles and tutorials to help you and your team grow your software testing, deployment, and documentation skills, posted on a regular basis.

Mon, Nov 26, 2012

6 XPath Queries to Boost Your Performance + A Bonus Tip

When you’re working with HTML day in and day out, very often the same types of tasks come up repeatedly. Whether you’re generating content to be displayed with PHP or jQuery, whether it’s server or client side, it’s not an easy task. You Need a Helping Hand!

Painless Data Traversal with PHP FilterIterators
Thu, Oct 25, 2012

Painless Data Traversal with PHP FilterIterators

There are a lot of ways to traverse data in PHP, including while, do while, for and foreach loops. These are fine in a lot of cases. But what if you want to reuse looping logic or have somewhat complex logic? Enter the FilterIterator.

Mon, Oct 22, 2012

Make Freelance Business Administration Easy - Use FreeAgent

Whether you’re a casual freelance php developer or running a professional freelance business, you’ll know just how much work can be involved. Not only do you have applications to design, develop and support. But you’ve also got business functions such as marketing, advertising, finances and networking as well. In this post we show you a tool to massively reduce your workload - FreeAgent.

Mon, Oct 15, 2012

Shifting Direction (Slightly)

So many of us are great technically, but find the prospect of running a freelance business anything from difficult to down right scary. So we’re aiming for Malt Blue to become a key resource for Starting, Building and Growing a Successful PHP Freelance Business.

Thu, Aug 23, 2012

Ship-It - Even if it Sucks!

Whether it’s The Cloud, Mobile Development, HTML5, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Search, Big Data, Queuing or more, we know there’s a wealth of possibility of what we can do. But we then seem to combine that with a misplaced, seemingly schizophrenic, need to be able to do it all and then not ship it until it’s perfect Today we discuss the Ship-It! attitude

Wed, Aug 8, 2012

How to Use the Zend Form ViewScript Decorator In All Modules

If you’ve been using Zend Forms for any length of time, you’ll know just how flexible and configurable they are. There’s not much that you can’t do with them, But it’s not always easy and there are catches. Today we look at ensuring that module-based Zend Forms using the ViewScript decorator can always be initialised no matter what.

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