Tips Articles and Tutorials

Command-Line Productivity Hack - ctrl+x+e
April 21, 2019

Command-Line Productivity Hack - ctrl+x+e

There are lots of tips, tricks, and ideas around for hacking your command-line productivity to make you more efficient. However, in this post, I’m not going to show you something that’s super in-depth, ultra-detailed, or talk about an app that you have to install, ctrl+x+e.

April 26, 2016

How Did You Choose Your Career Path?

Have you ever stopped to consider why you chose your career path? Was it out of fear? Was it chosen for you? Was it the safe choice? Was it because you always wanted to?

April 26, 2016

How To Be An Authentic Writer

If you’ve ever looked at a lot of modern writing, especially in either business or politics, you’ll know that it’s often anything but authentic.

The 3 Key Skills You Need to Be a Technical Writer
April 24, 2016

The 3 Key Skills You Need to Be a Technical Writer

If you’re considering being a technical writer, there are three essential skills which you need to have. That is if you want to write authentically. Today, I’m going to go over each of them, showing why they’re essential, as well as providing tips and suggestions on how you can improve if you’re light on in any one of them.