Here, you'll find
articles and tutorials to help you and your team grow your software testing, deployment, and documentation
skills, posted on a regular basis.
How well do you really know Composer? Do you just know composer install, update, and require, and some of the composer.json configuration? Or do you really know it? In this series, you’re going to take your skills to the next level; starting with the command-line.
Well, New Years is almost here, so it’s time to reflect on the year that was, as well as look forward to the year to come. Let’s see what went well. But, more importantly, let’s see what’s coming up.
Are you a freelancer? Do you think like one? If not, it may be costing in more ways than just lost income. Take a walk with me today as we consider two essential changes you need to make when you become a freelancer.
In recent times, work can be a daunting, even scary, thing. But it doesn’t need to be. Freelancing can be a viable option, even if it’s just something on the side. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll show you the essentials you need to get started.
A friend asked me recently what the essential tools are that I use to create online courses and podcasts. In this post, I detail them, along with why they are the ones that I use.
I’ve been developing software in PHP for a long time. But I recently decided to return to my polyglot roots, developing in multiple languages on a regular basis. The question is, which language, or languages, are the right ones to learn and use.
I’ve been developing software in PHP for a long time. But I recently decided to return to my polyglot roots, developing in multiple languages on a regular basis. The question is, which language, or languages, are the right ones to learn and use.
I’ve been looking to break away from PHP and web-based development for some time now. But doing so has been a case of easier said than done. Recently, though, I’ve managed to make a breakthrough.
For as long as I can remember, ZendCon’s always been a conference which I’ve wanted to attend. Why? Perhaps it’s because it’s marketed as the top conference in the PHP world. Regardless, here’s my reflections on ZendCon 2016.
If there’s one thing that we as developers to do on a regular basis it’s navigate through code. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you a range of ways in which PhpStorm does so, minimising the effort required by us.