Reviews Articles and Tutorials

April 27, 2014

Gary Hockin's Maximising Zend Framework 2 Performance Talk (Review)

Over the weekend, I was fortunate enough to be at this year’s PHP UK Conference, in London. One of the highlights for me, as a Zend Framework developer and evangelist, was Gary Hockin’s talk on maximising Zend Framework 2 performance.

Whether you’re new to Zend Framework 2, or an old hand (can someone really say they’re an old hand after such a short period of time?) the talk covered a range of tools, tips, and techniques for increasing application performance.

April 22, 2012

Make Freelance Business Administration Easy - Use FreeAgent

Whether you’re a casual freelance php developer or running a professional freelance business, you’ll know just how much work can be involved. Not only do you have applications to design, develop and support. But you’ve also got business functions such as marketing, advertising, finances and networking as well. In this post we show you a tool to massively reduce your workload - FreeAgent.