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Here, you'll find articles and tutorials to help you and your team grow your software testing, deployment, and documentation skills, posted on a regular basis.

Fri, Jul 20, 2012

Why Kohana is an Excellent Alternative to Zend Framework

As you know from reading Malt Blue, I’m rather a Zend Framework fan. Whether it’s the controller plugins, easily adding RSS feeds to applications, configuration with Zend Config or more – I really believe it’s one of the best PHP framework choices. But well, it’s a bit heavyweight. Enter Kohana!

Wed, Jul 11, 2012

Zend Framework - How To Implement RSS Feeds the Easy Way

Ever wanted to know how to take an existing Zend Framework application where you have posts, records, news or anything else stored in a data source and updated regularly, and make it available as a feed for your users that they can subscribe to?

Thu, Jul 5, 2012

Why Zend Framework Plugins Save You Time

During the recent development of the new PHP cloud development casts site, which has been developed with the Zend Framework, so much development time has been saved by using one of the simplest and arguably best features of the framework: Controller Plugins. So today I want to introduce you to them and walk you through a working plugin so you can see just how effective and efficient they can make your development workflow.

Tue, May 22, 2012

Zend Form Mastery with Zend Config – Part 3 Standard Form & Element Options

– Part 3 Standard Form & Element Options This is a Multi Part Series. Check out the other parts: Part 1 - Custom Filter Paths Part 2 - Core Form Configuration Part 4 - Configuring Zend Validators Options We’ve looked at custom form filters and we’ve looked at the core form configuration. But what about the other form properties? What about: setting an element as readonly an element as required ignoring an element and love them or hate them, what about decorators Element Options Outside of the options that we’ve looked at previously, there are a number of other options that we can consider implementing when configuring a Zend Form.

Fri, Apr 27, 2012

Zend Form Mastery with Zend Config - Part 1 Custom Filter Paths

When you’re working with Zend Form you keep your configuration as much out of code as you can - right? Well, if you’ve been working withZend Form for more than a little while, you know that Zend Config really makes that pretty simple - well, some of the time. In this series we look, comprehensively at how to do it all with Zend_Config.

Mon, Jan 9, 2012

Beginning cloud development with cloudControl – Part 4 – Memcache

Here we are at part four of the Beginning Cloud Development with cloudControl series and in this part, we’re adding Memcached support. In part one of the series, we laid the foundation for the application and got up to speed with what cloudControl is, why it works and how to get started using it.

Then in part two, we started to flesh out the application that we started building in part one and added MySQL support to it. We showed how to work with cloudControl to manage the key requirements, such as enabling MySQL support, connecting to the MySQL database and keeping the database up to date from a maintenance perspective (creating the database schema and loading data in to the database).

Then in the third part of the series, we replaced MySQL with mongoDB support. Now, in this, the third part of the series, we’re going to finish up with adding Memcached support. As the core of the work’s already been done in the application, this tutorial will be shorter and simpler than the previous three. So, get out the code that you worked through from part 2, or download a copy of it from the github repository and let’s get started.

Mon, Jan 2, 2012

Beginning cloud development with cloudControl – Part 3 – MongoDB

Here we are at part three of the beginning cloud development with cloudControl series and in this part, we’re adding mongoDB support. In part one of the series, we laid the foundation for the application and got up to speed with what cloudControl is, why it works and how to get started using it.

Then in part two, we started to flesh out the application that we started building in part one and added MySQL support to it. We showed how to work with cloudControl to manage the key requirements, such as enabling MySQL support, connecting to the MySQL database and keeping the database up to date from a maintenance perspective (creating the database schema and loading data in to the database).

In this, the third part of the series, we’re replacing MySQL that we introduced in part two with mongoDB support.

Fri, Dec 16, 2011

Beginning cloud development with cloudControl - Part 2 - MySQL

In part one of the series we got a birds eye view of a great cloud development solution for PHP - cloudControl. We looked at the concept of what it is, what you can do with it and ran through a basic deployment with a rather basic application. If you missed the first part, I strongly encourage you to read it before continuing on with part two. When you’re done, come on back and work through it here.

In this, part two of the series, things start to get more serious. In this part, we’re going to start to flesh out the application started in part one, adding in MySQL support - showing just how simple cloudControl makes this for us.

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