Here, you'll find
articles and tutorials to help you and your team grow your software testing, deployment, and documentation
skills, posted on a regular basis.
Screenflow is one of the best video editors I’ve used for creating online video and courses. In this post, I step you through three of its essential features that I use on a regular basis to quickly and efficiently create video content.
If you want to build applications in PHP — from one-page apps to enterprise-grade applications — PHP’s Mezzio framework is a excellent framework to choose. In this tutorial, which is an excerpt from my new book, Mezzio Essentials, I’ll show you how to manually build an application in Mezzio.
Last week, my most recent Pluralsight course launched! In this post, as well as shamelessly promoting it, I step through what it took to create it, including my online course creation process.
It’s with some sadness, that earlier this week, I wished a fond farewell to the biggest blog I ever created, Master Zend Framework. Given that, it only feels right — and responsible — to talk about what motivated the decision to close the blog, and what the future holds for the blog’s content.
The Asciidoctor.js Live Preview extension allows custom AsciiDoc attributes to be set using file query strings. In this post, I show you how to do so, along with how to use it in tandem with the extension’s configuration UI.
In this post, I step through how to set custom AsciiDoc attributes in the Asciidoctor.js Live Preview Extension for Firefox (and Chromium/Chrome). By doing so, you can preview your content properly and avoid setting attributes directly in your AsciiDoc content and other hacks.
If you’re getting started learning Java, whether because you want to or you have to, I want to help you out, as I’m learning Java again too. In this post, I set out what I think you need to know to get started with it, or what your first few steps will likely entail.
AsciiDoc can include code from remote sources, not just local files. In this post, I’m going to show you both how to do it, as well as how doing so can make your content extremely flexible and much less intensive to maintain.