Here, you'll find
articles and tutorials to help you and your team grow your software testing, deployment, and documentation
skills, posted on a regular basis.
It’s incredibly easy to build web apps and APIs using Go’s net/http package. All you really need to do is to specify a route and its handler. But, how do you restrict the methods that routes can accept? In this short tutorial, I’ll show you how.
Substitutability or the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is a concept that I’ve tried to adhere to for some years when writing code. It’s beneficial for many reasons, but particularly when testing, as it can indirectly force you to write code that is more testable. Recently, I’ve started appreciating how it works in Go, and will step through how in this short article.
Homebrew makes installing PHP and so many other great tools on macOS a breeze; almost as easily as a Linux package manager. But how do you install the Imagick extension? In this short post, I’ll show you the shortest way to do so.
Recently, I’ve been spending a lot of time writing Go code and, honestly, didn’t want to pay for a license for a commercial text editor or IDE. I asked around for recommendations and nearly everyone said “Use VS Code!”. So that’s what I started using and this is my initial impressions after about two weeks with it.
There are loads of ways to deploy container-based applications. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to deploy a small application using Google’s Cloud Run. It’s a powerful, yet not-too-imposing service that helps you deploy applications pretty quickly.
There are a number of ways to set environment variables in PHP. But the approach I use most often in development is a wonderful package called PHP dotenv. In this tutorial, I’m going to step you through how to install and use it.
I recently refactored parts of a web application for an upcoming Twilio tutorial into three open source packages. Here’s what motivated the decision to do so, and why I think you should create them too.
As I’ve been building a new PHP application, recently, using the Slim framework, I’ve come to find myself at a bit of a crossroads in my outlook on building them.
Yesterday, I published a short course on deploying with Docker Compose to my YouTube channel. In this post, Today, I’m stepping through what it took to create the short course, from start to finish.